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- Last updated:2023-12-15
- View count:3462

The predecessor of the Hsinchu District Prosecutors Office, during the period of Japanese occupation, was the branch of Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutorial Office (臺灣臺北地方法院新竹支部檢察局), which administered one city and eight counties. In 1937, the branch became the Taiwan Hsinchu District Prosecutorial Office (臺灣新竹地方法院檢察局) which governed an area which included present Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan and Miaoli areas. At that time, the Taiwan Hsinchu District Prosecutorial Office was one of the most important government offices in the Hsinchu area. In 1945(the 34th year of the Republic of China), Taiwan recovered from the Japanese occupation, and the Taiwan Hsinchu District Prosecutorial Office was renamed as the Taiwan Hsinchu District Prosecutors Office (臺灣新竹地方法院檢察處) , and retained its original jurisdiction. In 1968(the 57th year of the Republic of China), for the convenience of Miaoli's residents, a branch office was established in Miaoli. Over time, since the development of its industry and commerce, Taoyuan increased in population. As a result, in 1973, the Taiwan Taoyuan District prosecutors Office was founded and took charge of the Taoyuan area. In 1997, the Miaoli District Prosecutors Office took charge of the Miaoli area. Presently, the Hsinchu Prosecutors Office covers only Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City.